Auld Mortality [AUDIO/2003.5.9]


  It'd be hasty -- reckless, even -- to label anything 'fairy-tale' simply because it has pretty sound design. Auld Mortality being fairy-tale is baked into its DNA, however; it achieves double meaning with its being fairy-tale with the fact that it's the first Unbound release (a series revolved around "what if...?" scenarios that deviate from the reality of the established mythos, therefore being fantastical and fairy-tale) and with the premise of the Doctor, now having missed his chance of escaping Gallifrey, being a lonely old man lost in his own fiction. Who else to write that but one of Big Finish's most whimsical writers, Marc Platt? He's clearly taking much pleasure in crafting this wonderful fantasy of Hannibal's historical accounts (talking elephants ahoy), and crafting the wonderfully crotchety alternate Doctor that Geoffrey Bayldon brings to life so effortlessly. In another world, he would be the definitive Doctor and you wouldn't even bat an eyelash. The audio drama thrives on his presence, his performance, and Bayldon is exactly the kind of mysterious, delightfully old and occasionally childlike and enthusiastic Doctor this adventure needs.

  I fell in love with Auld Mortality on first listen all those years ago, and that love still rings true inside my heart today. This is one of Big Finish's best produced audio dramas by far, with the most orgasm-inducing music and sound design and voices imaginable. Platt plays with established Gallifreyan lore like a toyhouse, and there's delight to be found for those hardcore Lungbarrow enthusiasts. How the audio drama deals with Susan in this universe, and her struggles as an active political figure and a child at heart yearning to be with her grandfather again, all touch the emotions in the most unexpected of ways. This is extremely powerful stuff, delivering a story filled with loss and love and hope. Its ending demonstrates the boundless possibilities of this Big Finish series, with all bets off and the ending suggesting two paths for this Doctor and Susan: does Susan refuse his offer of travel around the universe... or does she accept, and accompany her grandfather on the most wonderful adventures? Directed and written, as well as performed with real heart, Auld Mortality will awe you in ways you wouldn't expect. It's a masterpiece, one of the most shining peaks of the Dr. Who mountainside. This one entry will make you want to listen to the entire series. Take it from me -- that's how I started.


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