Shadow of Death [AUDIO/2013.2.1]


  Out of the first three Destiny of the Doctor audios, this one's the most enjoyable. It's tense, it's almost methodical with its atmosphere, and it's got Frazer Hines narrating. Hines has always been an emotive actor, and his voicework in Big Finish has been nothing short of magnificent. He gives his best here as well, with a lovely voice narrating everything that goes on with the mystery of the empty city and the threatening shadows. If Hunters of Earth has been John Ainsworth flexing his muscles for the series in terms of creating palpable atmospheres, Shadow of Death is when he starts giving his 100%. Simon Guerrier's script demands such a directorial turn with a deliciously written script, and Hines also rises up to the higher standard and delivers a delightful performance as the regular cast. His Second Doctor is unmatched to this day, I tell you. The shadow people and their culture present a vivid picture in the mind, and all of it acts as nice set dressing for that one important moment where the Second Doctor communicates with the Eleventh. I love mysterious culture stories like this where the heroes discover a long-lost civilisation, and get to talk to the archaeologists and researchers over there, and paired with a rather bleak ending (in terms of its implications), Shadow of Death is far more memorable than some of its Destiny of the Doctor relatives. Plus, it's the first one I listened to back in the day, so there's nostalgic judgement at play here.


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