Invasion of the Mindmorphs [COMIC/2017.2.1 ~ 3.22]


  It's nice that Invasion of the Mindmorphs has regular burst of popularity every now and then thanks to its depiction of the fictional Time Surgeon. I mean, what a fantastic look. I bet Tumblr would've had a field day had Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman actually displayed these getups on telly. The Twelfth Doctor with ear piercings, I'd kill to see that on telly. 

  I think if anyone who's seen these Time Surgeon pictures floating about on the Internet had actually reached out to get the comic, they would've been sastisfied with what they've got. You know what to expect as soon as the first part reaches its end; two comicbook writer-artist partners get whisked off from their panel at Comic-Con by the Doctor and ends upbeing chased by an angry dinosaur. It's fun, it's nonchalant, and it doesn't take itself too seriously. Like many comics, it's a fight for free thinking and creativity in a world with these oppressive, thought-banning Mindmorphs (the clue is in the name). Unless you're a big believer that the Doctor always needed two famous comic artists having a domestic as companions for the day (I'm 90% there), this won't change your world... but then again, does every Dr. Who adventure have to? Invasion of the Mindmorphs is a fun, galaxy-trotting story that always has one foot firmly rooted in pure fun, and Rachael Stott can do no wrong with her excellent panels. It's one of those would-be comfort adventures, a comic I'd be more than willing to pick up whenever I'm feeling down and want to look at the Twelfth Doctor being silly and charming for a distraction.


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