The Unicorn and the Wasp [TV/2008.5.17]


  Another one of those sunshine-in-a-bottle adventures, The Unicorn and the Wasp is a wonderful episode that I revisit so often that people might start thinking of me as mad. From the photography to the lighting, the sunny atmosphere hiding dark and terrible secrets, to the wholehearted acceptance of, and engagement with, the Agatha Christie modus operandi, there is so much to love. David Tennant and Catherine Tate are having a blast, and it's quite insane to think that this was one of the earliest-shot episodes of the series when they're so comfortable with each other and the adventure at large. Giant wasps, a jewel thief played by the wonderful Felicity Jones (yet another of the popular Disney actors who once starred in Dr. Who), a nice incorporation of the real Christie's mysterious disappearance and wonderful performances throughout, this is one episode I have a hard time finding a fault in.

  We all have our comfort adventures, and if I had a DVD or Bluray of just this episode, I would've worn it out by now. The Unicorn and the Wasp never fails to lift my spirits, and with a nice fizzy spirit in hand, there's no experience quite like it. Fenella Woolgar gives Agatha Christie such a heartbreaking realness in the midst of all the staged excitement, and her rapport with David Tennant gives me chills. Would Christie have been a good companion? I think there's no doubt about it, and it would've been such fun to see her join the TARDIS team for the remainder of Series 4. Oh well, one can dream. From here on out, the series would enjoy a victory streak unlike anything that has come before, right up to the first half of the finale two-parter. The Doctor and Donna have proper fun, interviewing suspects and fishing out clues, until the fun becomes deadly. It's not world-shattering by any means, but a murder mystery with painful love stories and hidden children is always a yes for me. Bonus points for the lovely Christopher Benjamin appearance. Gays, poisoned cocktails and jewels from outer space... it's absolutely lovely to be an Agatha Christie fan.


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