
Showing posts from September, 2023

Baker Street Irregulars [AUDIO/2021.3.10]

The Martian Invasion of Planetoid 50 [AUDIO/2023.9.12]

Auld Mortality [AUDIO/2003.5.9]

The Fourth Wall [COMIC/2016.5.11]

Planet of the Ood [TV/2008.4.19]

UNIT Dating [AUDIO/2021.3.10]

Smoke and Mirrors [AUDIO/2013.5.1]

The Fires of Pompeii [TV/2008.4.12]

Dead Time [AUDIO/2021.3.10]

The Butler Did It [AUDIO/2023.8.3]

Doctor Who and the Time Witch [COMIC/1980.6.5 ~ 6.26]

Partners in Crime [TV/2008.4.5]

Divine Intervention [AUDIO/2020.6.17]

Must-See TV [AUDIO/2020.6.17]

The Lodger [COMIC/2006.3.30]

Wild Animals [AUDIO/2020.6.17]

The Movellan Grave [AUDIO/2017.7.12]

Lost Property [AUDIO/2020.6.17]

Remembrance of the Daleks [PROSE/1990.6.21]

Day of the Master [AUDIO/2019.10.9]

Voyage of the Damned [TV/2007.12.25]

Planet of Dust [AUDIO/2019.10.9]