By Hook or By Crook [COMIC/1997.8.28]


  Lovely little comic, this. It's the kind of short story that only one-issue comics can have, the hilarious jokey atmosphere that doesn't take itself seriously and lets our main characters have a nonchalant freeform adventure without the typical tropes and restraints of "proper" Dr. Who. Doctor Who Magazine comics did this sort of thing frequently, having a bit of a breather nestled snugly between two giant, epic adventures (the epics in this case being Fire and Brimstone and Tooth and Claw), and By Hook or By Crook is a welcome one. It's hilarious, Adrian Salmon's artstyle is always a joy to see, and the Eighth Doctor and Izzy are well and truly a fully-fledged TARDIS duo at this point that can do no wrong. Izzy's nerdlike enthusiasm for the history of the world saves the day, and it's an incredibly funny twist that shows Scott Gray's wonderful sense of humour. It may be only seven pages long, but it's such fun to read and it's a nice little detour from all the chaos and wonder of the universe. For one issue, the Doctor can be framed for murder and Izzy can save the day by being such an adorable nerd. For fans of Living Legend, there's no better comic treat. 


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